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Showing posts from 2024

Am I Too Late to Join this Game?

I recently stumbled upon a session by George Couros, the maestro behind "The Innovators Mindset" and a bunch of other fancy book titles. I first saw him in 2016, I think at ISTE. He was so inspiring, he was like the Gandalf of inspiration and I was interested to see if that is still true today. I wondered if I even still had anything to learn from him. But surprise, surprise, even in 2024, George is still dishing out nuggets of wisdom! I was so inspired that I found his podcast scrolled all the way back to the first episode which was released in 2016. It got me thinking...  In 2011, I became a full-time teacher. I taught three grade levels in this brand-new start-up virtual charter school. We were going to be like the nationally known K12, but oh so very different. In my first year with the school, I taught preK-1st grade. How you ask? I am really not sure. Like every first-year teacher, I was flying by the seat of my pants. Unlike every first-year teacher, I was not certifie