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Showing posts from March, 2020

What is OneHub?

I heard the announcement in the church over the last several Sundays, the talk about a new type of small group, but maybe a small group on steroids. Elliot Freeman had mentioned it and Ricky Bowlin told me as someone heading up the social media, that I just had to go. Now, I am a busy gal. I have a full-time job and I have about 4-5 side hustles. This one thing was going to be ANOTHER thing. I say all of this now, knowing full well that I told a group the other night...and now I tell you...that if I have the capacity, I will offer more of myself. All I would really be missing out on are some of the guilty pleasures, like endless-without-a-point internet nothingness or television watching. So I went. What is OneHub? The subheading tells the story. It's about reaching the lost. When I accepted the role I have in the church with social media it was about one thing only...reaching the lost. I wanted to have a bigger reach than myself to find those that were completely lost or