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Showing posts from 2025

Thats so not my job!

  Who Should Teach Children to Regulate Their Emotions? I n tod ay’s educat ional lands cape, th e emph asis o n soc ial- emoti onal lear ning (SEL) ha s gro wn signif icantly. Whi le the re's unden iable val ue i n help ing stud ents deve lop emoti onal intell igence, so me pare nts ar e begin ning t o ques tion whet her th e class room i s th e rig ht pla ce fo r th is instru ction. Aft er al l, ti me spe nt teac hing emoti onal regul ation i s ti me tak en aw ay fr om co re subj ects li ke ma th, scie nce, an d read ing. S o, i f teac hers ar en't respon sible fo r th is asp ect o f a chi ld’s develo pment, wh o i s? Th e ans wer i s cle ar: emoti onal regul ation i s a ski ll th at sho uld b e prima rily tau ght a t ho me— prefe rably somew here betw een break fast meltd owns an d bedt ime negoti ations. Why Emotional Regulation Starts at Home Le t’s fa ce i t: Pare nts ar e a chi ld’s fir st an d mo st influe ntial teac hers. Fr om th e earl iest da ys o f li fe, chil dren...

Dyslexic Thinking Mindset

Does your school talk about Dyslexic Thinking?  I have always been a curious cuss. A big picture thinker. A  question asker. A connector . Details? Execution? Logistics? Those things often feel like the annoying fine print in a contract I never wanted to sign. But vision ? I can dream up ideas faster than I can write them down (which is saying something, considering how many notebooks I hoard). For most of my life I was the kid who had to work twice as hard to learn math facts, the one who could never quite follow along in school. Learning disabled and a pain in the ass, I'm sure. The student who felt like she had to game the system just to survive it. But as it turns out, my brain wasn’t broken. It wasn’t slow. It wasn’t lacking. It was just wired differently.  I was  the wrong kind of smart ...for the time. Dyslexic Thinking is often mistaken for a problem that needs fixing. But what if, instead, it can be developed, like a superpower —a way of seeing the world ...