Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quarantine Zine

Are you home? You should be...

Are you bored? Really, bored is a state of mine. 

I have seen so many things. All the "things" people have been doing to pass the time. You should have click on that link to see them too. If you do #5 send it to me and I will pass it through the webiverse.

In this time I have binge-watched the television show Alone. After watching I felt the need to walk into the wood in my backyard and build a teepee. I have refined a few skills in videography...I am no master of this skill, but I am trying to get better. I have written. I have finished a book and began another. I have finished a plan on the Bible app. I have downloaded an app to learn a new language. I found a way for our church to come together in worship during the first Sunday morning in isolation. Oh, and I still have a full-time job. Here is a pic of that teepee.

I am been super impressed at my own kids. They have spent most of this time outside. We run a one-room schoolhouse here at the house, so the idea of not having friends over every day hit them pretty hard at first. These girls hate summer break because they don't see their friends as often. They have built paper rockets, built roller coasters out of Legos...Here is a fun Lego challenge if you want to have some fun.

I also like to throw out fun Facebook posts to see how many fun ways to get people engaged. Some bring 100-200 comments like the best Coronavirus memes post...and others fell completely flat on their face, but produced some laughs like this picture. I asked everyone to find a pic of animals on the Googles and then recreate the pic.

Nothing...but that's ok. I am NOT bored. 

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