Monday, December 31, 2018

2019 Goals and Ambitions

In 2018, I started a student-run/lead podcast. I went to New York and DC with an amazing group of 5th and 8th-grade students. I went to Boston with the ladies on my family.  I was one of the closing keynote speakers at an education conference. I started back to school. I became a principal. I went on an amazing ski trip with my family. I successfully completed my second year of a weekly podcast. And, I began a side photography gig. 2018 was extremely busy but incredibly rewarding. 

According to books and tests, I am a Creative, an ENTP, an Orange. I am very active and usually able to get what they want done, without appearing on other people's radar. Often, I will look before I leap. I try to make plans, but I have so many ideas that float around in my brain. All of them seem me. They seem brilliant until that is, I speak them out loud and someone comes along and pokes holes in them. My 2019 list of things to do seems big. Too big, maybe. It seems ridiculously ambitious. It seems as if I am looking forward to eating an elephant this year. I need hole patchers for this year. I cannot seems to get items 2-5 off of my mind. I need someone who knows how to butcher and someone with a deep freeze fridge because this is the elephant in front of me. 

1. Finish my Master's Degree - 3 classes left, seems like a no-brainer
2. Start my first steps toward building a Youth Camp - Research 
3. Write the book over educational things I have been sitting on for two years
4. Write the book of marriage things I have been sitting on for 5 years
5. Ask for a job that doesn't exist in my company yet
6. Book 52 photoshoots in combinations of portraits, weddings, births, events. 
7. Homeschool my girls with the wisdom and help of my husband.

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